Today has been hard. I was up all night trying to turn on my computer who desides when it wants to work. I got about 4 hours of sleep. Then I woke up late after my long night and had to rush over to class. I think I actually woke up as I walked into it. :)...
Good news about today is that I got a job. YAY... so I am finally working.. Can't wait till I start and get my first check.
Im sorry if I talked to anyone today and came off as snappy I just have really know sleep. Also this year has started out rough since most of my friends from last year just dont talk to me for some reason that I am not very sure about. So I appologise if I snapped at anyone I really try to take in all the information I can and sometimes I just get over welmed.
On wednesday its gonna be my holiday and I'm starting to feel the feeling of wanting to be back home so I can celebrate with all the family and friends. But I'm here in Cali trying to make the best of it. Hope everything works out...
ps i love my family